(This is me in 1988 in my Grandma's friends organic garden.)
I'm currenlty reading Patricia Lynn Reilly's "Imagin a Woman in Love with Herself" (among, like, 10 other books!) I love her concept of "the girl child." She often says, "In the beginning the girl child didn't know..." and then she usually goes on to say something like, she wasn't good enough, she wasn't pretty enough, or there was something wrong with her sexually - the girl child just WAS delighting in herself and her body without judgement.
This weeks RS meeting tied in with that. Our president gave a talk about how we need to love ourselves just as we are, free from judgments and then she had a great suggestion. She told us to take a picture of ourselves as a child and place it somehwere in the house where we would see it everyday. It's to remind us that our Heavenly Mother and Heavely Father (OK, she only said Heavenly Father but I can include Heavenly Mother if she wont LOL)anyhow, it's to remind us that that's how They stil see us, as that small girl child so full of love and wonder. They don't judge us for our mistakes, they don't think we are ugly or unfit. They just love us with all their hearts because we are Their children, their beloved daughters.
Ahhhh....that sits nicely on my mind.