Monday, November 8, 2010

Testing Feed from Posterous

As I mentioned to several Pentaxians who I had conversations with at the recent PhotoPlus Expo in NYC, October 28-30, I am going to start blogging again.

This is just a preliminary test of a really nice app on the iPhone called Posterous. It allows you to post any media to your own Posterous site, as well as "autopost" to a wide range of other accounts, including Blogger which is where my current blog is hosted.

As a test, here's a photo I shot of my Aunt at a reception on October 24th in Bronxville, NY. Photographed with the K-r and one of my favorite lenses - the 35mm Macro Limited. Actual photo info should show up in the bottom area of the image.

I still have to spend time testing Posterous and do some house keeping with my Blogger site, but hope to be back posting very shortly!