Monday, November 15, 2010

I've Moved My Blog

Thanks to all those who contacted me while I was on hiatus from updating my blog here on Blogger. Despite some faulty conspiracy theories about why I wasn't posting, I've recharged my batteries and will start updating my blog hopefully on a more regular basis. I also must acknowledge that I should have been smarter and at least posted a comment that I was "on vacation from blogging" or something similar, and for that oversight I apologize.

I'd also like to announce that effective immediately, I'll be using a new blog at Posterous. I've been testing their site for a few weeks and really like how they handle blogging from my iPhone as well as the simple way they let me upload the larger image files I need to post that I've shot with the K-5 or K-r.

If you'd like to stay current with my updates, then please use this link from now on...

This link should take you to the full site if you're on a PC or a mobile theme layout if you're coming from either an iPhone or Android smartphone. I'll also keep my Blogger site running, but only as an "archive" for my older posts, so please don't leave any comments on Blogger.

I look forward to seeing you over at Posterous.
