Monday, November 8, 2010

K-5 and DA300Samples

I just received my first K-5 production last week. Although I'm really looking forward to testing the camera with some of my favorite lenses, for example the FA31, FA77, DA35 Macro, DA15, I knew I wouldn't have time or the right circumstances to try out any of these lenses last weekend. I was planning Sunday morning to go down to my favorite surfing beach, San Onofre, to get a little exercise and catch some waves with a few of my friends. I decided to take the DA 300mm f/4.0 lens with me to give my K-5 a go at some surfing photos.

Unfortunately, the tide was very high when we got to the beach, and the waves really weren't breaking to our satisfaction. As I was not going to be able to come back in the afternoon, I decided to just walk the beach with my K-5 and DA300 combo and try and capture a few interesting photos. Being a new camera, I was primarily interrested in getting a few samples that showed the sharpness and color rendering of the new sensor. With such a bright sunny, morning I was not that interested in testing the high ISO range of the K-5, and quite frankly it looks like there are enough others doing these tests for me. Therefore, all of the images I'm posting were shot at ISO 400 at apertures between f/4.0 and f/5.6.

As there is no change in the body ergonomics between the K-5 and K-7, I found the balance and handling with the DA300mm lens was still the same...comfortable in the hand and not too heavy to carry around. In processing these images, all shot in DNG, and converted to jpgs for posting here, I found the color rendering of the K-5 to be very natural or accurate - just like I'd seen when depressing the shutter. And although I need to shoot many more images, I am encouraged with the way the camera seems to handle scenes with a wide dynamic range - namely the photo of the two surfers walking into the waves.

Note: I am experimenting with Posterous as potentially a new site to use for both my mobile posting from the iPhone as well as files I shoot with the K-5 and K-r. I'll be checking to see how Posterous handles images for uploading, so bear with me if you see funky things happening with my photos - it might not be the photographer or camera that's acting up :)