Saturday, September 11, 2010

Headlines - Saturday September 11!

How do the church leaders feel about suicide in addition to rape? They appear completely insensitive to the end result of their behavior and more concerned about their own power. When they look back in years to come it will be obvious that it was their own actions which caused the most destruction to the institution. Surely even uglier details will be emerging soon.
A Belgian commission looking into sexual abuse by Catholic clergy says it has received testimony from hundreds of victims and that witnesses say widespread abuse over decades led to at least 13 suicides.

The report was incomplete because its files were seized in a June 24 judicial raid that forced it break-up. But, commission chairman Peter Adriaenssens said Friday that 488 witnesses came forward, most of them after the April resignation of a bishop for sexual abuse set off a deep crisis within the Belgian church.
64% of US wealth went to top 10% since Reaganomics
Oh sure, if you want to nitpick the economic model that the Republicans (and too many Democrats) have promoted for the past thirty years has helped solidify the American aristocracy but isn't it kinda fun having royalty? As long as we can use them as tourist attractions how could this be a bad thing? We should all be thankful that they have chosen to grace us with their presence and minimum wage jobs.

It's probably not such a big deal that
24% of the US wealth is concentrated in the hands of only 1% of the population. Look, if Democrats in power don't see it as a problem, they're probably right. After all, they always have their finger on the pulse of the country and know what's best and what's fair for hard working Americans. If they didn't how would they maintain voter support, after all?
More book burning

This time, the Pentagon:

Defense Department officials are negotiating to buy and destroy all 10,000 copies of the first printing of an Afghan war memoir they say contains intelligence secrets, according to two people familiar with the dispute.

The publication of "Operation Dark Heart," by Anthony A. Shaffer, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer and a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, has divided military security reviewers and highlighted the uncertainty about what information poses a genuine threat to security.

Disputes between the government and former intelligence officials over whether their books reveal too much have become commonplace. But veterans of the publishing industry and intelligence agencies could not recall another case in which an agency sought to dispose of a book that had already been printed.

I'd quadruple the price and then print 200,000 more. Seriously, Pentagon? You're going to buy all the books and that will keep it "secret?"

Wasn't there a sitcom where some jackass tried to steal every newspaper in town in order to keep someone from seeing something embarrassing?



No Christian terrorism? Guess again

How about THIS religion of hate:

Federal authorities have charged South Rowan High School graduate with conspiring to bomb a North Carolina clinic where abortions are performed.

Justin Carl Moose, 26, of 93 Mary Circle, Concord, was arrested Tuesday morning in China Grove by the FBI, according to information provided by the Department of Justice and court documents.

He is charged with providing information related to the making, use or manufacturing of an explosive, destructive device or weapon of mass destruction to a person Moose believed was planning to bomb a North Carolina clinic. Authorities did not identify the clinic.

According to an affadavit accompanying a criminal complaint, Moose provided detailed instructions to a confidential FBI informant who told Moose he wanted to bomb a clinic where a friend's wife was planning to have an abortion.

The affadavit alleges Moose used Facebook as a platform to advocate violence against women's health-care clinics where abortions are performed and the people who work there.


The affadavit says that starting Jan. 19, Moose made numerous statements "advocating the use of violence in order to affect his ideological and political beliefs. The majority of these postings relate the issue of abortion and the murder of abortion providers."

One posting on Aug. 22 was "List of death camps with address' Do with it what you wish." The affadavit says that post referred to a list of abortion clinics throughout the nation.

Another post, on Aug. 3, provided a link to a website that authorities say contained a recipe for making explosives. In a post the next day, the affadavit says, Moose warned advised readers how to use the explosives without harming themselves.

On Aug. 23, the affadavit says, Moose posted this:?"To all the feds watching me:?You can't stop what is in motion. Even if you bring me in, my men will continue their mission. Furthermore, I?will not go peacefully. Do you really want another Waco?"

The affadavit says the Facebook page also contained four videos, including one called "Hey Man Nice Shot,"?which the affadavit calls "a tribute to individuals who had murdered abortion clinic doctors."

FBI?agents also looked at Moose's MySpace account, the affadavit said, and found pictures including those of a young girl holding an assault rifle and others that appear to show "some of the basic elements of an improvised explosive device."

After obtaining a search warrant, the FBI got access to private messages on Moose's Facebook account, the affadavit says. In one, Moose wrote, "If there's any good that I?do, I?give the glory to my father God. And if there's any bad I?do, well I guess I?can take credit for that :) As far as I'm concerned nothing is off limits to stop abortion. Anything and everything goes."

In another private message, he wrote: "...there was an experience that made me a militant... My entire life has centered around the art of making war. Destruction is what I?know best... I realize that the Holy Spirit has been preparing me to teach and lead others... Over the next few weeks (or months...) I will be writing down all that I have learned over the years concerning destructive devices, sabotage, covert operations, and survival skills."



Very crunched for time this a.m. - gotta run!