Monday, September 20, 2010

Headlines - Monday September 20

Winning hearts & minds: U.S. Army Charges 5 Soldiers Over Afghan Murders.
Popes wear doilies? Who knew?

Oh wait, there's another one:

A South Carolina coroner says a man who died after he was stunned by police officer was a homicide victim.

But multiple media outlets reported the Greenville County coroner's office says state investigators should decide if there was criminal wrongdoing in the death of 39-year-old Andrew Torres on Aug. 9.

Coroner Parks Evans says the mentally ill man died from an irregular heart beat as the result of having an enlarged heart, the physical strain of fighting with police and being stunned with Tasers.

Police Chief Terri Wilfong has said her officers followed proper procedures when they went to a home to take Torres into custody for involuntary psychiatric commitment.

The mentally ill in the country have targets on their backs. When they are suffering from some kind of break or are delusional, they can't make the "decision" to comply so they get electrocuted --- and some of them die. Anyone who has a relative who is mentally ill should be aware of this. They are in danger.

Read the whole thing.


Yes, my Wicca-practicing friends, the Delaware Doofus just keeps on giving:

O’DONNELL: I dabbled into witchcraft — I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. … I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do. [...]

One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic alter, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that. … We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic alter.

Besides her compulsive lying, O'Donnell is also a prepositional idiot.

Don't tell Sarah Palin's witch hunting preacher friend. There could be a major tea party fracas with witches being chased by posses of townspeople -- and vice versa.

Oh wait. Teabaggers turn on O'Donnell here


Speaking to a San Francisco law school on Friday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee gay people protection against discrimination. And the same goes for women.

In the landmark 2003 Supreme Court ruling overturning laws against sodomy, Lawrence vs. Texas, Scalia was the most vehement dissenting vote.



Bwahahahaha ...

Would-Be Koran Burner $180K For Security Costs

The city of Gainesville, Florida says it is sending Dove World Ministries a bill for $180,000 to pay for all the extra police protection they had to provide would-be Koran burner Pastor Terry Jones during the week-long media circus as he threatened to burn the Koran. Stand by for the teabagger fundraising to commence.


Even the "values voters" don't have much confidence in Palin.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Conservative voters chose the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, Mike Pence, as their top choice for president for 2012 in a straw poll on Saturday.

The nonbinding opinion vote among 723 social conservatives attending what organizers called the "Values Voters Summit" put former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in second place for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, with 22 percent of the vote, compared with Pence's 24 percent.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin placed fifth, with 7 percent of the vote. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney placed third, with 13 percent and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich placed fourth, with 10 percent.

Aren't the values people Sarah's people? I wonder if, for them, it's a woman thing or a pregnant teenager thing or, as with the rest of us, an incompetence thing. Maybe all of the above.

Adding... Gingrich, who has been married three times, fared better than Palin. The Republican primaries are going to be fun, fun, fun.


Poor little rich boys.


Creepy quote of the day:

"Sex is a covenant between a man and a woman and God."
Christine O'Donnell

So sex is a three-way with God?


But that means there are two men (or two women if God is female) in the equation. Isn't that just a wee bit gay? I mean, there's bound to be some incidental touching in there, no?


Fundamentalist Theocracy and Its Effect on Women

Digby has a thought-provoking post about the Discovery Channel's reality show, The Duggars, who are a nice Christian family with 19 children and counting. She connects their family lifestyle to the Christian Reconstructionists and notes that although it seems pleasant on the surface that there are some effects that appear to be particularly harmful for the girls.

But as I watched, it became clear that there was something more odd about them than just their unusual numbers. And after a while I realized that it was the oppressiveness of their insularity, particularly for the older girls, who seem to be emotionally underdeveloped and nearly obsessed with childbearing. It's the entire focus of the females, as you might imagine, who are basically raising children from the time they are able to pick one up. Their world is just so small and they seem to have no agency at all even when they are in their late teens.

They all seem quite happy, with good humor and a lot of affection among them so maybe this is just my own cultural bias kicking in. (And this is a TV show in which they are evangelizing for a certain way of life, so who knows what goes on beneath the surface?) But regardless of their good cheer, it's quite clear that by the time these kids get to adolescence they have been so isolated that they aren't prepared for any life but the odd one in which they've grown up --- which in patriarchal social arrangements is the point. The girls are raised to see themselves as solely designed to serve men and give birth and that's what they do.

Indeed. This is a common factor in the lives of women in a truly fundamentalist society. In 2008 when the FDLS compound in Eldorado, Texas was raided because underaged girls (13 and 14 year olds) were being married off to the patricarchs of Warren Jeffs' community, I wrote a post about this particular fundamentalist society called The Handmaid's Tale which certainly indicates Digby's insight is right on. I've reposted it below the fold.

If the fundamentalist patriarchy is able to take power (and they are a significant factor in Sarah's base), life will be bad for almost everyone but particularly bad for women and the castaway men.

Continue reading "Fundamentalist Theocracy and Its Effect on Women"


Tea Party Express derails GOP candidates 茶黨搶盡共和黨風光

Whatever language or culture you wish to view it from, O’Donnell is a kook.


Feds threaten man on oiled Florida beach: "ILLEGAL TO DIG" -- NO SAND CASTLES



FDA rules won't require labeling of genetically modified salmon.


Learning that the young bucks in the GOP refer to
him behind his back as 'Fat Elvis' and an 'asshole'
made Newt Gingrich sad.
We'll see if the IOKIYAR rule applies here.
If you are politically active, you may be tracked as a potential terrorist
That is what has been going on, apparently, in Pennsylvania. Candlelight vigil protesting BP? Gal and lesbian festival? Zoning hearings? Showing the documentary "Gasland"? Terrorism. Yom Kippur and Ramadan were also flagged for risks of terrorism.

The bulletins that Pennsylvania paid $125,000 are
here, because the State was so embarrassed that they released them. They are in chronological order, so you'll need to start at the end to see the most recent ones.

This would seem to be
an example of the hard-hitting analysis that PA paid cash money for:
Current-31 August 2010: In the general escalation in Irish republican terrorism, Marching Season in Northern Ireland is a period of several serious potential flashpoints for violence. Pennsylvania-based students and faculty participating in overseas educational programs in Northern Ireland (e.g., Millersville University and the Pennsylvania College of Technology) should maintain a higher state of situational awareness.
In scanning through some of the "bulletins", a theme emerges that the biggest threat, as seen by the chowderheads writing them, were people opposed to the practice of "fracking" to extract natural gas. So if you think that a company is poisoning the air or the water and you get involved politically to stop them, congratulations! You're a possible terrorist. Hell, if you attend a demonstration, no matter what the cause du jour, those clowns are going to view you as a possible terrorist.

Now you might think that is over-the-top hyperbole. If you do, I would remind you
that is already the practice in the Nation Formerly Known as "Great" Britain, a nation that has gone, in two generations, from maintaining a stiff upper lip during onslaughts of Luftwaffe bombers and rockets to a nation that is so comprised of pants-wetters that they could be easily conquered.

Kudos to the people in Pennsylvania who made this stupid shit public. The mindset that "everyone who is not a good little German is a possible terrorist" must be vigorously resisted if we are to remain what tattered remnants of a free society that we still possess.

We should have a federal law that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States. The law will let judges know that no judge will remain in office that tried to use sharia law.

Separation of Church and State, Newtie, we got it covered. You might want to read about it, you assrocket.


Business As Usual In Afghanistan, Iraq

Sexytime, paid with your tax dollars.

What’s the latest news from America’s favorite man-made disaster, Afghanistan? At least two dozen people were killed at the polls during the latest and almost certainly rigged parliamentary elections. Officials are already reporting “sales of fake voter cards printed in Pakistan, intimidation by local power barons and the absence of a national voter list.” Meanwhile, the Louis Berger Group and other awful corporations are still receiving sweet no-bid contracts to pretend to build power plants in Iraq and Afghanistan. And yes, these monsters are probably still overcharging the US government. [McClatchy]

57% of Republicans want to lose their Boehner

Moist, orange-hued crybaby and aged, pudfaced trannie not getting any love from their own party.

A new Public Policy Polling survey finds a majority of GOP primary voters think [John] Boehner and [fingersniffing mumbler] Mitch McConnell should lose their leadership posts. Fifty-seven percent of Republicans say the congressional GOP needs new leadership.
Republicans are doubtful on whether Boehner should get the Speaker's gavel if the party of derp retakes control of the House this fall. Getting up the poopchute would be a good place to start, 67% responded.


Hero builds village for homeless cats on tree farm in Florida.

Craig's website says: "Caboodle Ranch has the seal of approval from the Tallahassee Humane Society and the Tallahassee/Madison County Animal Control. Representatives from both have been to the ranch and both have liked what they've found."
So do the kittehs -- there are now over 600 of them.

G-puke's slanderous lie at 'values' conclave 

It wasn't just cross-dressers and serial adulterers who did not get struck by the almighty Wrath of God at the so-called "values" summit: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann also got lucky. Our buddy Jon Ponder reports --

At the Values Voter Conference in Washington, Bachmann took the podium and made this outrageous statement:

BACHMANN: “Unlimited credit cards for our elected leaders have become an in entitlement. like Speaker Pelosi, who has been busy sticking the taxpayer with her $100,000 bar tab for alcohol on the military jets that she’s flying.”

Pelosi does not drink. (Bachmann may have confused Pelosi with Republican Speaker Wanna-Be John Boehner who is famous in the capital for doing nothing but boozing, schmoozing and playing golf with lobbyists.)
Such values! Lots more at the Pensito Review.

Gary Bauer
Rethug compares Dems to terrorists

Alleged choirboy-stalker Gary Bauer oozed into the ironically-named conservative Values Voters Summit last night and compared this year's voting to overthrowing the September 11 hijackers:

BAUER: From the cell phone calls that were made and the tapes that we have, we know that those passengers went to the back of the plane. Being good Americans, they started a debate. "Well," some of them said, "we need to get back to our seats. We can't do anything about this. You don't fight hijackers. The plane will land. And then there will be negotiations. We'll get out of here." Other people said, "No, no, the country is under attack. We've got to fight." And you know what they did? Nobody won the debate! So somebody said, "Let's vote."

That's what we're going to do in 45 days, right? We're going to vote. If you get up that morning and you're tired, you're sick, it's raining -- remember these Americans on the plane. They voted to fight back. So they made weapons with whatever they can -- leftover utensils from breakfast. The flight attendant was still alive; she boiled the water for the coffee. That was going to be her weapon. They took the drink cart, used it as a battering ram. They ran down the aisle of that plane, throwing the water, fighting as hard as they could, into the teeth of men armed with box cutters!

They brought that plane down. They spared this country more pain, more sorrow, more deaths. God bless them! Don't forget them!
Let's roll! Destroy the murdering Democrap usurpers in a fiery crash of doom! Jeebus. I don't even know where to begin. That goes beyond mere derpitude. He's unhinged.

Bonus: also speaking at the "values" summit was serial adulterer Newt Gingrich.

Video here
Values?? Freaking fruitcake.
Bill Maher - New Rule: if you know less about Barack Obama than any other president in history, you might be a redneck.