Saturday, September 25, 2010

Daveward – a Jew will lead the Labour Party

The only thing that is certain about the nail-biting contest to lead the Labour Party is that a Jew will win. In this ‘aggressively secular’, enlightened 21st century, it is supposed not to matter.

But, of course, it does.

David and Edward Miliband (henceforth Daveward) come as a package. Whichever wins, the other will be his symbiotic sidekick. While one half is considered the heir to Blair and the other the political soul-mate of Tony Benn, they are both steeped in Marxism through the influence of their Brussels-born, Polish emigré father Adolphe (Ralph) Miliband.

Whatever Daveward says on Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and the ‘two-state’ solution, he will be cast as a Zionist.

When he calls for a strong, independent and secure Israel, he will be Islamophobic.

Should Daveward ever attend an event organised by Labour Friends of Israel, he will be one of the Jewish mafia.

If ever he mentions that 80 members of his family were slaughtered in the Holocaust, many of them in Auschwitz, he will be accused of peddling propaganda.

When he expresses concern about Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the threat they pose to stability in the Middle East, he will be cast as an ambassador for Israel.

When Daveward condemns trade union calls for economic and academic boycotts of Israeli goods and services, he will be accused of condoning Israel’s brutal terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

Whenever he meets with a fellow Jewish politician, financier, or philanthropist, he will be accused of lobbying for Jewish values.

Whenever he dines with the editor or proprietor of a newspaper, he will be part of the global Jewish conspiracy to control the media.

If ever Daveward celebrates Rosh Hashanah or commemorates Yom Kippur, G_d forbid that he utter Shana Tova U'Metuka.

The United Kingdom has become the anti-Semitic capital of Europe.

Daveward will need the wisdom of Solomon and the conviction of Elijah to confront it.

The Conservative Party had its first Jewish leader in 1852: Benjamin Disraeli was the country's first and thus far only prime minister who was born Jewish.

It remains to be seen whether Daveward will give the country its second and lead Labour to its Promised Land.