Saturday, October 10, 2009

Headlines - Saturday

Portable, live bacon!
Still more things atheists didn't do.
In a related story, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair used a speech at Georgetown University to warn of the threat against the West that is growing at alarming rate. No, he wasn't talking about terrorism, the recession, or even Swine Flu. He was talking about atheists and the menace they present to the world. Not since leaders tackled the dangers of witches in our midst has a politician sounded such an alarm. This politician happens to be the leading contender for the first "president of Europe."

Blair sounded the alarm for all God-fearing citizens to be on the look out for atheists who he seems to portray as an equal threat as terrorists. He warned that "[w]e face an aggressive secular attack from without. We face the threat of extremism from within." He called on religious people to unite against atheists who offer "no hope" and threaten the demise of the West. How dangerous? Just read this incredible line: "Those who scorn God and those who do violence in God's name, both represent views of religion. But both offer no hope for faith in the twenty first century."

Keep reading:

Thank Jebus it wasn't an atheist that 'fixed the facts around the policy' and started the illegal and immoral war in Iraq. 

              Christians doing violence in God's name

Tony Blair viewed his decision to go to war in Iraq and Kosovo as part of a "Christian battle", according to one of his closest political allies.

George got his inspiration from God: "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

Thankfully it was christians that decided to invade Iraq, or the results would have been worse than this:

Over 1 million Iraqis killed, 5 million orphaned, over 4 million displaced, millions wounded physically and mentally, their country leveled, 4,349 American soldiers killed - all ordered by 'Christians'.


Brother, can you spare a riyal? Saudis ask for possible financial assistance if world reduces emissions

Saudi Arabia flag

The line of countries asking for handouts as part of the global warming agreement included a curious member: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is concerned that if environmentalism should ever break out, the Kingdom could suffer. Accordingly, they are quietly asking that the KSA not be forgotten in the list of needy nations.


Alan Grayson talks healthcare reform to Repiglicans: If you're against it, then get out of the way. Just get out of the way. 
"You can lead, you can follow, or you can get out of the way.
And I'm telling you now to get out of the way

Between Congressman Grayson's address today, and Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Healthcare Reform comment the other night, I'm thinking there might be enough passion and fire in the air this week to fuel some actual, well, honest-to-goodness change. And wouldn't that be nice?



As the tone of the political discourse among the fringe Reichwingers continues it's downward spiral, the whackjobs continue to stay classy:

The Associated Press reports today that the South Florida-based Southeast Broward Republican Club held an event earlier this week at a gun range where targets included silhouettes of Muslim stereotypes and of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). Among those who attended the event was real estate CEO Robert Lowry, who is vying to replace Wasserman Schultz in 2010.

God guns and guts made America free, USA! USA! USA!!!


Great SPCA commercial:

Inasmuch as Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite, when will those Norwegians wake up to the realities of the modern world and establish a Nobel War Prize? If for no other reason, they should do it to be fair and balanced: the world can stand only so much peace at any given time. And besides, a Republican hasn't won such a prestigious international award since Teddy Roosevelt. And let's face it: Dick Cheney is running out of time.
Michael Moore - Congratulations president Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize - now please earn it!  
funny pictures of cats with captions
The right hates the United States of America
That is a conclusion that is becoming inescapable.
A major American city is unsuccessful in its bid for the Summer Olympic Games and the Right cheers.

Our President is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the Right falls into line with the Taliban, Hamas and Iran to criticize the award.

Rachel Maddow has an explanation on how the Nobel Peace Prize works. Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for winning an election to be prime minister of Burma and then being denied the office. The Nobel Peace Prize is often awarded to give people moral authority, not for a long record.

But none of that matters to the Right.

I do not want to fall into the same mistake that the Right did for eight years, of conflating the president with the nation. But I find it repellent that there now is a track record on the Right of cheering for bad things to happen to this country and tut-tutting when things go well. I find it hard to escape the conclusion that if there were to be a serious terrorist attack in an American city during the Obama Presidency, the Right would be standing up and cheering for the attackers.

Rachel Maddow: "The American president just won the Nobel Peace Prize. By any reasonable measure, all Americans should be proud."

Those Americans who are not proud ought to re-examine where their loyalties lie. For it seems to me that they are loyal not to this country, but to their ideology. These are the same people who would have seen the American economy go into free-fall last year if they had had their way about it, because that is what their ideology demanded. These are the same people who wanted a constitutional amendment to ban desecrating the American Flag, but when
one of their conservative lights (an old television actor) said that anyone displaying the modern 50 star flag should first soak it in tea, not a single conservative that I am aware of bothered to point out that was an act of desecrating the Flag.

The Right would destroy this nation if they saw a political advantage in doing so.They are not Americans who are conservative politically. They are Conservatives who just happen, by an accident of birth, to be Americans.
                    Glenn Beck reacts to news of Obama's Nobel Prize
Michelle Malkin, racialist art investigator

Our Lady of the Concentration Camps made a startling discover yesterday. One of the pieces of art in the White House, "Watusi (Hard Edge)" by Alma Thomas looks a lot like Matisse's "L'Escargot."

Armed with this observation, Mrs. Malkin began her investigation into Alma Thomas and discovered she's not one hundred percent committed to the caucasian lifestyle. Indeed, as Malkin so carefully points out, ALMA THOMAS IS A NEGRO!

Let me repeat that in case you missed it. ALMA THOMAS IS A NEGRO! And that can only mean one thing: Alma Thomas must be a filthy plagiarist.
Keep reading:


Borowitz explains nobel thinking: it was the beer summit


Comedian Andy Borowitz details the process used by the Nobel Peace Prize committee in selecting Pres. Barack Obama as the 2009 winner.

Nobel insiders revealed that the President's "beer summit" at the White House put him over the top.

"The committee was definitely split down the middle right up until the end," said Agot Valle, a Norwegian politician and member of the five-person Nobel committee. "Some of them were still quite upset about that nasty business with the Somali pirates."

But, according to Ms. Valle, "someone brought up the beer summit, and we all agreed that that was awesome."

Maybe the Democrats should be more like Republicans on the issue of health care reform. See the full strip here.
Senate Dems approve extension of Patriot Act revisions - meet the new boss

Really, it gets harder all the time to tell the Democrats from the Republicans, doesn't it?

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill Thursday that would renew portions of the USA Patriot Act in an effort to address administration concerns about protecting terrorism investigations.

But several Democrats and civil liberties advocates said the legislation would do little to strengthen privacy protections. And some Republicans said the bill, despite amendments worked out with the administration, would still unduly burden investigators.

By a vote of 11 to 8, the committee sent to the Senate floor a measure that would extend until 2013 three surveillance provisions set to expire Dec. 31. They would allow investigators to use roving wiretaps to monitor suspects who may switch cellphone numbers, to obtain business records of national security targets, and to track "lone wolves" who may be acting alone on behalf of foreign powers or terrorist groups.

The bill would also slightly tighten the legal standard for the FBI's issuing of administration subpoenas known as national security letters (NSLs), which allow the bureau to obtain phone, credit and other personal records, and which the Justice Department inspector general has said are subject to "serious misuse."

Oh, I feel much better now, knowing it will be "slightly" more difficult for the feds to abuse constitutional rights.


Porn company names Gingrich family values porn fan of the year:


Rep. Steve King 

Yesterday, the House voted "to expand the definition of violent federal hate crimes to those committed because of a victim's sexual orientation by passing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

The right put its homophobia on full display in an attempt to kill the legislation, with Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) saying that it would lead to Nazism, and the legalization of necrophelia, pedophelia and bestiality. 

In an interview with Radio America/WorldNetDaily, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) – who has said that hate crimes legislation creates "sacred cows" and puts the "victimizer's focus on someone else" — tried to argue that such a bill is unnecessary. His argument? Matthew Shepard himself wasn't actually murdered because he was gay:


While the international community is heralding president Obama for his leadership, right-wing activists here in America are clamoring to impeach him. Republican operative Floyd Brown, "one of the nation's dirtiest political strategists" and the architect of the racially-charged Willie Horton ad against Michael Dukakis, has launched a campaign to impeach Obama. Brown, who registered his impeachment website in August, worked closely with congressional Republicans to push a similar crusade against Clinton, starting in 1994. During the 2008 campaign, Floyd ran commercials claiming Obama is Muslim.

More patriotic behavior here:


Bill Kristol would have liked John McCain as Nobel Peace recipient

War-loving Bill Kristol — in his terrifying "Quick take from The Post's opinion writers" — thinks that it is so hilarious for Barack Obama to receive and accept the Nobel Peace Prize that he need not even write about how hilarious it is, it is just that hilarious. He has a better suggestion for a recipient, though, and that would be the person who loves war most of all: "We could note that, if the Swedes Norwegians wanted to give the Nobel Peace Prize to an American, it would have been been better to give it to Sen. John McCain for having the guts to push through the surge in Iraq, which has brought relative peace to that country. But that would be overkill. The choice is so self-evidently Not a Parody that no explanation is required or possible." Oh, pardon moi — "ha and/or ha." Now he will have his afternoon tea. MORE »


The great appeaser gets his due

While reacting to the Hussein Peace Prize announcement with exploding heads, one distinguished loony-nut has actually played the Race card:

I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news.
What the hell....if Hitler can get it.....and get it again....

This might just push the Reichwing fucknuts over the edge, and I have plenty of beer and popcorn.
Repulsive, bigoted misogynist to ogle, drool at Miss America pageant

WTF??? Bloated troll Rush Limbaugh has been chosen as one of the judges for the 2010 Miss America Pageant, scheduled to be held in Las Vegas on Jan. 30, 2010.

Jebus. That disgusting POS. That's just SKIN-CRAWLING. To add insult to injury, here are some actual comments by the Blobmo that we found on teh interwebs:

"Some of these babes, I'm telling you, like the sexual harassment crowd. They're out there protesting what they actually wish would happen to them sometimes."

"Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk."

"Will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?"

"He's trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team… supposedly, you know, raped, some, uh, hos."

"You know, there's a crisis of young man-boy education in the schools. And they did this on purpose, to eliminate male competition in the work force. This is part of feminazi grand plan."

"How many of you in the secrecy and privacy of your own dreams and hopes would love to be hired as eye candy?"

Yeah, I'd feel so comfortable having this guy watch me...

Republicons take a pounding over health care

The public trusts Obama over the Party of No.

Months of republican attacks on President Barack Obama's health-care proposals appear to have hurt the GOP, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

Republicans get their lowest grades since Obama was elected on several measures:
* Voters disapprove 64 - 25 percent of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job, with 42 percent of Republican voters disapproving;
Only 29 percent think Republicans on Capitol Hill are acting in good faith;
* Voters trust Obama more than Republicans 47 - 31 percent to handle health care;
* Voters 53 - 25 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Suck it, pukes!