Saturday, October 31, 2009

Headlines - Saturday

Truly, a modest proposal

On March 14, 2010, when it comes time once again for Daylight Savings Time, let's try something different. Instead of moving the clocks forward one hour, let's just move them forward 30 minutes.

And then let's leave them there. No more of this "spring forward, fall back" crap, that'll just be the new standard time.


Pumpkin dance:


Costume idea:


George Bush, motivational speaker

"So remember, if you're lucky enough to be born into a family with money, fame and political connections, you too, without even breaking a sweat, can completely fuck up the world"


By Madeleine Begun Kane

Joe Lieberman's meanness runs deep.
He's a back-stabbing, Dem-screwing creep,
Who's determined to kill
The health reform bill.
But at least he will never be VEEP.
al Qaeda outwitted Bush, neocons
Duh. It wasn't very hard for them to do, either, given that Bush/Cheney played right into their hands.

Robert Parry
As security worsens in Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is clear that al-Qaeda and its Taliban allies outwitted President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers by tying down U.S. forces in Iraq for five years while the Islamic militants rebuilt their forces for the war on their "central front."
What might have been possible eight years ago – in rebuilding Afghanistan and winning the hearts and minds of many Afghans – has become almost impossible because of Bush's "muddling through" strategy regarding what became "the forgotten war."
Too bad Afghanistan doesn't have any oil. Then he'da had a 'strategy'. Yeesh.

Parry goes on to quote Captain Hoh at some length, whom I am sure we're all familiar as the first and hopefully not the last Foreign Service Officer to resign in order to publicly question the whole AfPak flusterpluck.
Yet while Capt. Hoh may have struggled to reach a painful personal decision, it is far from clear that senior U.S. officials and American opinion-makers have come to grips with an even more troubling realization: that President Bush and his neocon advisers committed the United States to two wars whose chances for success were crippled by ill-defined goals and ill-considered strategies.

Indeed, one of the most remarkable aspects of life in Washington today is how the neocons remain exceptionally influential. They keep their well-paid jobs at prestigious think tanks, write books for major publishing houses, and control key opinion columns in the Washington Post and, to a lesser degree, the New York Times.

Even now, as President Obama ponders what to do with the botched war in Afghanistan, the neocons bait him about alleged weakness and defeatism. Their allies in Congress, the likes of Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman, seem determined to undermine the Obama administration at every turn if the President doesn't take the neocons' advice and escalate the war.

It seems that Official Washington can't face up to its disastrous misjudgments over the past eight years.

Neither the pols nor the journos have a very good track record about admitting their colossal mistakes. Without that, nothing is going to change very quickly. When pigs fly.

I think we could make a good start by taking a few machine gun belts' worth of neocons out and shooting them. I volunteer to throttle the smarmy grin off Kristol's face myself to kick things off.

Jesse Helms' life work, eliminated!

Great news, everyone: America is now .0000000001% less insane and bigoted! Barack Obama signed a final administrative repeal today of the Jesse Helms-authored travel and immigration ban on persons with HIV/AIDS. It only took 22 years for our government to realize that the HIV virus is not the very contagious "gay flu." MORE »

In case you missed it, Stewart rips Fox.
People who should be severely flogged
I nominate Gore Vidal, for this comment about the Polanski matter:
Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she's been taken advantage of?
"Misogynistic" doesn't even begin the cover the ground for that arrogant and hateful old fart.

Let's refresh, shall we: Polanski gave a 13 year old girl champagne, quaaludes and then proceeded to rape her. He committed forcible rape and sodomy on a child. For that, Gore Vidal is going to lionize him as some sort of persecuted darling?)
Questions surround Lou Dobbs' 'the taco-eaters shot my wife' story

Juicy target

Racist television goblin Lou Dobbs revealed a very scary story earlier this week on his radio show (he's on the radio, too?). Three weeks earlier, he claimed, his New Jersey mansion was shot at while his wife was standing outside, and this came after "weeks and weeks of threatening phone calls." Never one to rush to judgment about anything, Lou Dobbs… immediately started freaking out about Mexicans and Mexican-supporting liberals again, adding, tastelessly, for ratings, "if anybody thinks that we're not engaged in the battle for the soul of this country right now, you're sorely mistaken." We don't really know how some douche or another hitting Lou Dobbs' mansion with a bullet is indicative of a "battle for the soul of this country," but we do know that "battle for the soul of this country" is not very tension-defusing rhetoric. Especially when there are still many, many questions about the nature of the incident! MORE »


"George W. Bush was and is an idiot. A shallow, stupid man of crude appetites when younger, his life would  
have been of no consequence had not the Republican party chosen him as the public face of the Cheney government.  
I doubt he has to this day any coherent idea of how he found himself in the White House or who made the  decisions while he lived there. He was only a pawn in their game.

Because Al Gore rolled over and played dead and did not misbehave or act out or fight for himself and his country,  
the Supreme Court short-circuited the system and gave us George Bush, his stupidity, his wars, his coddling of the rich and his courting of crazies in the far fringes of Christian American Medieval backwardness. 

Then, because John Kerry was an inept fool who ran a campaign that largely ran away from everything honorable  
he had once done and believed in, we were blessed with a second term of Cheney and his wooden-headed puppet."

Read the entire thing.



Join the Facebook group Joe Lieberman is a Douchebag.


Inhofe: unhinged and proud of it

 "I'ma Okie monkey!"


It must be very lonely being the last flat-earther. Inhofe stands alone. 

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, committed climate-change denier, found himself in a position Tuesday as the 
Senate environment committee, on which he is the ranking Republican, took up legislation on global warming. 
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Gay.) was in talks with Democrats over a compromise bill -- the traitor! And as Inhofe listened, fellow Republicans on the committee -- turncoats! -- made it clear that they no longer share, if they ever did, Inhofe's view that man-made global warming is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." 

"Eleven academies in industrialized countries say that climate change is real; humans have caused most of the recent warming," - Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Flannel.).

"I want to get us beyond high-carbon fuels and focus on conservation, nuclear, natural gas and new technologies like electric cars."  -  oil-state senator, David Vitter (R-Diapers)

"Climate change is a serious and complex issue that deserves our full attention." - industrial-state senator, George Voinovich (R-Crook) 

...and then there's poor Pissquik Inhofe. "Science is not settled! Everyone knows it's not settled!" 

Inhofe called for more oil drilling. His aides sent out an e-mail --  'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming.' "   

You can't reason with insane people like Inhofe.
Like Reagan, he knows what he knows and no evidence will change his stubborn mind.


"Obama can switch Lieberman's vote. It was Obama, after all, who campaigned for Lieberman when everyone else  
deserted him, and it was Obama who intervened to save Lieberman's position in the Democratic caucus last December. Lieberman owes Obama. Currently, Lieberman is making a mockery of Obama by letting Obama save him, and then knifing the president every step of the way.  It's time for the President to call in his chits with Lieberman, or destroy Lieberman - Obama has the power to do both." -
John Aravosis, Link 

 Yes, Obama should do that - but he won't.

 If I understand what I read, Obama dumped the public option and spineless Harry Reid forced Obama to take it back.
 How much trouble are we in when spineless Harry Reid is pushing the president around?

 Obama wants to make nice-nice with his enemies and he can't muster the will to use force.

 This is a serious mistake on Obama's part.
 When will he learn that some people are going to attack - no matter what?




The opposite of progress is the Republican congress

Dead End signAn item in The Onion has been making the rounds in lefty circles. "Obama's Declaration Of Swine Flu Emergency Prompts Pro-Swine-Flu Republican Response" has the GOP taking the H1N1 advocate position, because the president is against it. "Thousands of Americans -- hardworking ordinary Americans like you and me -- already have H1N1," RNC chairman Michael Steele says. "Now Obama wants to take that away from us. Ask yourself: Do you want the federal government making these kinds of health care decisions for you and your family." Bobby Jindal urges Louisianans to stop washing their hands and Rush Limbaugh "made a point of dying of the virus during his show on Wednesday."