As I said in the previous American Photo post, I cannot upload this copyrighted material since I don't own the rights or have permission from the owner. However, I can share this much with you.
The July issue of Popular Photography features a hands-on review of the K-7 by Philip Ryan. The review, entitled "Prize Patrol/That Winning Feeling" starts with the following observation...“Things had been quiet on the upper end of the PENTAX DSLR front...Well the silence has been broken. No, make that shattered.”
A few comments Phil made include:
- In-camera HDR is opening a door for newbie's to “explore this growing trend.”
- Composition Adjust “is perfect for tough-to-arrange macro shots.”
Phil acknowledged they were eager to get a production unit to run it through their tests in the Pop Photo Lab. This issue has already been mailed to subscribers, and should be on the newsstand any day.
(Note June 11: Pop Photo must be running split covers for the July issue, as we just received more copies with a cover that features a large hero shot of the K-7)