Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Everything!

Happy Father's day to all the great dads out there, you know who you are. Especially happy fathers day to my beloved! You are the most wonderful father I could have ever hoped for, thank you for sharing your life with us.

My sister Gina had a summer solstice babe yesterday! A little boy! I'm so thrilled for my sweet sister! I can't wait to meet my nephew.

I'm on a high protein diet and life is finally getting back to normal after months of on going, non stop puking. I feel so much better. Thank Goddess for my friend Lisa who told me about the diet. Bless her! She has saved me!

I have so many fun pictures to post and I hope to get them up soon. Nykki celebrated his 6th birthday with a Buffy the Vampire Slayer themed party. We all dressed up and had a blast!

I miss you all! Blessings!