I love icecream - LOVE IT! But it's so hard to find good icecream. Even if I get Strauss which is cruelty-free, non-hymogenized, it still has sugar - bleh! I've wanted an old fashion, handcrank icecream maker for years now but priced at over $200 - well, I just haven't been able to make it THAT much of a priority.
So, ta da, I figured out a way to make it myself! I start with a stainless steal pot or bowl. I mix something creamy like coconut milk or equal parts raw cream and raw milk. Then I add one raw egg. Whisk it all up.
Then I like to sing a song about the greatness of icecream.
Then I add about a 1/2 cup agave nectur (less if I'm using coconut milk). Then I add fixens like cocao nibs, raw chocolate, nuts, fruit, dates, whatever. A teaspoon of salt, a big dash of vanilla extract and if I'm using coconut milk I also add a dash of lime juice.
I place it in the freezer and stir every 45 minutes until it's icecreamy. Then I eat it (oh, that's the best part!!) It will get harder the longer it sits in the freezer so I let it thaw a bit every day, rescoope and churn it with a spoon, then pop it back in the freezer.