Sunday, October 31, 2010

Headlines - Sunday October 31

Funny Halloween Ecard: Thank God my Clarence Thomas costume is relevant again.
The Brand Spanking New Patriotic Corporate Motto: Let Them Eat Cake
U.S. companies are hoarding almost $1 trillion in cash but are unlikely to spend on expanding their business and hiring new employees due to continuing uncertainty about the strength of the economy, Moody's Investors Service said on Tuesday.
The Republican War on Reality:
Wisco: The White Party.

FRC's Tony Perkins: Our Hate Speech Deserves To Be Heard On NPR

"This week another group that demands the celebration of homosexuality called on National Public Radio to exclude the viewpoint of Family Research Council and other conservatives because we 'have nothing productive to bring to the table.'

"We are all agreed that every suicide by a 'gay'-identified teenager is a tragedy. And there are not two sides to the issue of bullying--we are all agreed that no one deserves to be bullied and that bullies should be punished. But there most certainly are two sides to the claims that orthodox theology and pro-family public policies are to blame for such bullying and such suicides, and the media has an obligation to air both sides, not just attacks by homosexual activists. In their definition of tolerance, the truth that would prevent a young person entering into homosexuality, or that change is possible for those seeking to leave the homosexual lifestyle, must be silenced." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins.

CNBC: Goldman Sachs reviewing early bonus payments. 

Infamous race-baiter Andrew Breitbart is going to provide election night commentary for the Mouse Network. I wonder when the Food Network is going to have Lucretia Borgia's Home Cookin'?


More of this please.


Another reason to avoid McDonald's

They're instructing their employees who to vote for.

Along with their recent paychecks, employees received a pamphlet from their employer on company letter head that stated "as the election season is here, we wanted you to know which candidates will help our business grow in the future." While pointing out that the vote is the employee's "personal decision," the pamphlet explicitly states, "if the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected we will not".

Thank you, Supreme Court. Freedom of speech courtesy of the Citizen's United decision.


New rule: if you believe that only God knows the age of the earth, then you have no right to be the governor of anything.

Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell, Sarah Palin's successor, appeared stumped by a question about the age of the earth Thursday, choosing not to answer a multiple choice question regarding the matter during a gubernatorial debate.

"Only God knows," Parnell responded, when asked if the earth was more accurately described as "6,000″ or "six billion" years old.

Democratic candidate Ethan Berkowitz wasted no time, telling the moderator, "I'll go with six billion."

Parnell's answer did not go over without some skepticism, however. One person in the recording can be heard laughing, and another asks, "you really don't wanna answer that?"

"I really don't know," Parnell then said. "For either one of us to do it is quite speculative."

No you moron, the age of the earth is not speculative.  It has been scientifically determined to be 4.54 billion years…and it's not negotiable no matter what you think the Bible claims. This is not a matter of science versus religion.  It's a matter of informed versus stupid.

The anti-science party strikes again.

What Pelosi accomplished
Kerry Eleveld at the Advocate makes a good point:
I would be remiss if I did not mention that Nancy Pelosi could very possibly lose her post as speaker of the House if the Democrats get pummeled next Tuesday. She may not have scheduled all the LGBT votes the community would have hoped for, but Pelosi hammered home hate-crimes legislation early on and steamrolled "don't ask, don't tell" with 39 votes to spare. From a broader perspective, she near seamlessly pushed through Democrats' agenda, stocking the Senate with more than 400 bills that never saw the light of day. Quite frankly, Speaker Pelosi delivered the change Obama promised more ably than the White House could either message or capitalize on those achievements.

If the House Democrats are ousted on election night, it will be a true irony that the single most effective legislator of the 111th Congress will be rewarded with a demotion.
Well over 200,000 attended Stewart/Colbert rally.

If you missed it, you can watch the whole thing here Look for the little girl dressed as a princess with the sign that says "I'm taking my tea party back!"

The wretched mind of the American authoritarian
Glenn Greenwald on the mentality of Doughy Pantload Goldberg and others. A 'recommended read':

Decadent governments often spawn a decadent citizenry. A 22-year-old Nebraska resident was arrested yesterday for waterboarding his girlfriend as she was tied to a couch, because he wanted to know if she was cheating on him with another man; I wonder where he learned that? There are less dramatic though no less nauseating examples of this dynamic. In The Chicago Tribune today, there is an Op-Ed from Jonah Goldberg -- the supreme, living embodiment of a cowardly war cheerleader -- headlined: "Why is Assange still alive?"

There are multiple common threads here: the cavalier call for people's deaths, the demand for ultimate punishments without a shred of due process, the belief that the U.S. is entitled to do whatever it wants anywhere in the world without the slightest constraints, a wholesale rejection of basic Western liberties such as due process and a free press, the desire for the President to act as unconstrained monarch, and a bloodthirsty frenzy that has led all of them to cheerlead for brutal, criminal wars of aggression for a full decade without getting anywhere near the violence they cheer on, etc. But that's to be expected. We lived for eight years under a President who essentially asserted all of those powers and more, and now have a one who has embraced most of them and added some new ones, including the right to order even American citizens, far from any battlefield, assassinated without a shred of due process. Given that, it would be irrational to expect a citizenry other than the one that is being molded with this mentality.
As our pal Badtux put it so simply and succinctly in a comment yesterday. "we are disappearing into a vortex of suck".
Cat Stevens Attends Rally to Restore Sanity
Yusuf Islam Attends March to Keep Fear Alive