Saturday, January 30, 2010

Headlines - Saturday

Others will do ...
What we refuse to:

International arrest warrants have been requested for George W. Bush, Richard (Dick) Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales at the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands.

Professor of Law Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law in Champain, United States of America, has issued a Complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court against the above-mentioned for their practice of "extraordinary rendition" (forced disappearance of persons and subsequent torture) in Iraq and for criminal policy which constitutes Crimes against Humanity in violation of the Rome Statute which set up the ICC.

It would be nice if we took out our own trash.
Hitler responds to the new iPad:
Orrin Hatch's War On Integrity 

Orrin Hatch threatens to disrupt Democratic agenda if Democrats actually try to follow through with their agenda 

The Republicans have already decided to obstruct the entire Democratic agenda, so what's the incentive to play nice in return? Hatch is a liar. He's complaining that the Democrats better not use the reconciliation process for passing health care reform when Hatch repeatedly supported using reconciliation when the Republicans were in power. Someone official, in the Senate and the White House, needs to step up and call Orrin Hatch a liar. Now. This is how the Republicans win the spin wars. They lie with impunity, they accuse us of doing what they've already done, and Democrats sit back and take it, until the public just assumes it's true. Let's see some leadership from both the Congress and the White House. 

It would be a real tragedy if the Republicans decided to stop working with the Democrats. Wait, what?

We'll know he is serious if he threatens to reunite the singing Senators if the Dems use reconciliation.

15 Cute Animals That Will Cause You Horrible Harm.


The murderer of Dr George Tiller has been convicted and now faces a life sentence. The Kansas jury didn't take long at all — it was an open-and-shut case of pre-planned assassination and terrorism.

Thank you, Kansans. 

Murray Hill - a corporation for Congress.
Fireworks At Obama Q&A With House GOP. Obama was impressive. He was on the offense and didn't back down. That's the President we need to see. He looked like a leader -- a very smart leader.
The sons of bitches wouldn't even applaud when he reported that the economy had grown 6% - the most since 2003.
Why do they hate America?
Deep thought: If Mike Pence really is regarded as one of the deep thinkers for the GOP, I'm beginning to understand why they refused to admit Terri Schiavo was brain-dead.
And here's another serious Republican thinker: Judd Gregg.
A few (OK, maybe not so few) words about the Edwards debacle:
Third world nation
Obama orders Justice Department to consider alternative sites for terror trial

Attorney General Eric Holder suffered an embarrassing setback yesterday when the White House ordered the Justice Department to find another location for the trial of the 9/11 suspects. If true, this would be a troubling intervention of the White House into a pending criminal case and seems to follow political pressure on the venue for the trial.

Read more.


Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad may be based on falsehood, power lawyer alleges 

His mom "chose" not to have an abortion in a country in which abortion was illegal anyway, according to attorney Gloria Allred.


The White House just posted the transcript for the entire meeting.


The party of no

Guess how many fiscally responsible Republicans voted for the pay-as-you-go budgeting rules. No, go ahead, guess.


Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) won't let partisanship get in the way of her autograph collection

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