Her $5 million earmark request for the Presidio Heritage Center was approved by the Senate on Saturday as part of the $626 billion defense appropriations bill, the largest of the end-of-year government spending measures.
The bill, which includes $128 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, is expected to be signed by President Obama.
Pelosi's request was one of 1,720 earmarks - including several from Bay Area legislators - worth $4.2 billion in the measure.

"Robert Byrd has been around a very long time, and his many decades of service have made West Virginia a wonderful state in which to manufacture methamphetamine or frame the locals for murder. But it's time for Senator to do the right thing, and expire. Even a nice coma would do." Confederate Yankee Link
There's one clear difference between the two parties.
The Democrat would wish for their political enemies to retire.
But when somebody wants the guy on the other side of the aisle f-ing dead,
we know you're dealing with a Rethug or a religiously insane handjob - or both.
Glaciers then (1940) and now BBC.com
The Chacaltaya glacier, 5,300m (17,400 ft) up in the Andes, used to be the world's highest ski run.
But it has been reduced to just a few small pieces of ice.
Many Bolivians depend on the melting of the glaciers for their water supply during the dry season.
The team of Bolivian scientists started measuring the Chacaltaya glacier in the 1990s. Not long ago they were predicting that it would survive until 2015. But now it seems, the glacier has melted at a much faster rate than they expected.
Photos taken in the last two weeks show that all that is left of the majestic glacier, which is thought to be 18,000 years old, are a few lumps of ice near the top. See how the glacier has retreated since 1940:
Just 20 years ago skiers from all round the world would travel to Chacaltaya
to say they had skied down the world's highest ski run.
Butt, since Jim Inhofe rules the United States, and because the Obama and the Democrats have refused
to come to work because they have no Bartcop in them, global warming continues to be denied.
It's SO EASY to rub the facts in the faces of the lying sons of bitches,
why can't some elected Democrat gather the sac and finally stand up and say it?
Earth's house is on fire, and the anti-science, cloud-worshipping deniers say everything's OK!
If Democrats had ruled in the 1400's, globes would be illegal because their troglodyte opponents
would say "Anybody with a lick of sense knows the Earth is flat, " and that's that.
"Dear President Obama, Thanks for no help in Maine, no real support for the public option, hiring folks like Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina to push Congressional leaders to cave to Joe Lieberman and Blue Dogs, and caving on core Democratic initiatives of late, such as re-importation of cheaper prescription drugs. I am appreciative of the smaller initiatives you have undertaken, but in 2010, please stop throwing progressive allies under the bus and
screwing up major progressive initiatives. As a holiday gift, I am enclosing a gift certificate to a semester-long class on Negotiation 101. I hope you put it to good use." - Adam Bink Link
In 2004, Kerry took out a mortage on his home to get the money he needed to win Iowa. Then he went wind surfing off Cape Cod for a month while the Swiftboaters swayed public opinion.
In 2008, Obama's followers spread the lie that the Clintons were racists to win Iowa. A year later, he vacationed at Cape Cod for a month while the Teabaggers swayed public opinion.
Why do Democrats start a fight and then go to sleep?

Juan Cole: Top Ten Worst Things about the Bush Decade; Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
So, for the sake of argument, let's say the cat is the Senate, and the dog is the American public, trying to enjoy a little of what the cat has...
New rule for Iraq practically guarantees abortions: http://griperblade.blogspot.com/2009/12/new-rule-for-iraq-practically.html
It's a little known disturbing fact that the Mormons have a set of prophecies that foretell that the Mormons will take over the leadership of the US. A candidate for the governor of Idaho has brought this out into the open — he's having meetings to talk about saving America by having the Mormon leadership intervene.
Don't they understand that having the country taken over by a freakish cult with dreams of theocracy would be a way to destroy the constitution?
Wow. When will the US follow suit and join Mexico City in the 21st century?
As you know, Obama's pay czar just approved a $4.3 million raise for AIG's CEO "to ensure that the employee contributes to AIG's long-term success and, ultimately, AIG's ability to repay taxpayers."
When word spread earlier this year that American International Group had paid more than $165 million in retention bonuses at the division that had precipitated the company's downfall, outrage erupted, with employees getting death threats and President Obama urging that every legal avenue be pursued to block the payments.
New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo threatened to publicize the recipients' names, prompting executives at AIG Financial Products to hastily agree to return about $45 million in bonuses by the end of the year.
But as the final days of 2009 tick away, a majority of that money remains unpaid. Only about $19 million has been given back, according to a report by the special inspector general for the government's bailout program
Desperate for attention, Palin keeps repeating death panel lies.