I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Sarah Palin, what a whiner! She went on vacation and drew on her visor, with a marker, and now she is QUITTING her foreign Hawaiian fun-trot because somebody pointed out that she drew on her visor with a marker.
The official Palin statement:
Todd and I have since cut our vacation short because the incognito attempts didn't work and fellow vacationers were bothered for the two days we spent in the sun. So much for trying to go incognito.
You know what makes a better incognito outfit than a lame old McCain campaign visor with the front blacked out? This:
Oh yes. And also, she eats children.
David Sirota: Dorgan accuses White House of unethically politicizing safety warnings from the FDA.
End of the Rogue
Sarahcuda got caught acting like a dweeb three times this week (OK, she got caught more often than that but these are the three I'm writing about. I mean, there's so much to work with here that you gotta make choices, right?) as her fabulous book tour ended, a tour in which she visited 25 states (including Alaska, which maybe I shouldn't count because she had to go home sometime) and sold over a million copies of a book so bad it makes Anne Coulter's stuff look like Francis Bacon by comparison.
First, giddy and no doubt exhausted by her plane rides and having to answer such tough questions from conservative radio & tv hosts as "Do you think the Democrats are so dumb they actually believe that global-warming crap?", Teh Cuda ran off to Hawaii for a vacation wearing this T-shirt:
On the front it said, "If you don't love America," and on the back, "then why don't you get the hell out."
Quite an improvement on that old, worn-out cliche, "Love It Or Leave It". Betcha thought that was the controversy, din't yah? Well, you were wrong. This is the controversy: she tried to distance herself from the disastrous McCain campain by wearing a sun visor with McCain for Pres blacked out.
"In an attempt to 'go incognito,' I Sharpied the logo out on my sun visor so photographers would be less likely to recognize me and bother my kids or other vacationers.
"I am so sorry if people took this silly incident the wrong way. I adore John McCain, support him 100 percent and will do everything I can to support his reelection.
Sure. Of course. Although, as HuffPost added, "if she wanted to go unnoticed she could have just worn a different hat." Or gone to a private beach. Teh Cuda wants to avoid press attention like a 2-year-old wants to avoid candy.
Second, she stiffed not just the leaders of Utah's GOP (dirty, non-Xtian, Mormon infidels that they are) when she was in Salt Lake for a book signing, but a woman she hired to do her hair. (Via TBogg) The poor woman even had to pay for parking her car, so not only was she stiffed, she's out a cool ten smackers. (Queens don't pay, you know. Anything. To anybody.)
But here's the kicker: her "people" were so afraid of Teh Cuda being pelted that they made Costco take tomatoes off their shelves. And no, I'm not kidding.
While going through the check-out lane, again with no wait, [Helen Rappaport] told the clerk she forgot to get some grape tomatoes, which she loves, so she would be right back.
That's when the bells went off.
The clerk told her they had no tomatoes that day.
No tomatoes? At Costco?
As she was leaving, she noticed a man with a store manager's name tag and asked him why they had no tomatoes. He informed her the store did have tomatoes, but they were taken off the shelves for a few hours.
It turns out that Palin had been pelted with a tomato at an earlier stop on her book tour and the management at the Costco was determined it wouldn't happen here.
Somebody hit Teh Cuda with a tomater and it didn't make the evening news? Golly, I'm shocked.
The third gotcha is a tad more serious. SPI's Joel Connelly caught Sarah supporting the initiatives to fight the global-warming she is currently and famously denying exists.
As President Obama tries to curb global warming in the hothouse of Copenhagen, Sarah Palin has butted in to claim that climate change occurs naturally "like gravity," while warning that reducing greenhouse gas emissions will mean "job losses" and "economic costs."
The hot air emitted by Palin takes off from two unflattering assumptions: Americans have the attention span of hummingbirds, and can be counted on to forget even recent history.
A few weeks before she mounted the national stage, in July of last year, then-Gov. Palin told her state:
"Alaska's climate is warming. While there have been warming and cooling trends before, climatologists tell us that the current rate of warming is unprecedented within the time of human civilization. Many experts predict that Alaska, along with our northern latitude neighbors, will warm at a faster pace than any other areas, and the warming will continue for decades."
The governor did what a forward-looking leader should do. She created a subcabinet group to look at "carbon-trading markets" and examine "the expanded use of alternative fuels, energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy." She's now bashing scientists and telling Obama to stay away from Copenhagen.
Hummingbirds? That's giving us the benefit of the doubt, isn't it? Mayflies might be a better analogy. They live one day.
Is it written somewhere in the GOP Oath that Republicans have to be hypocrites? Cause it seems like they all are.
North Face sues South Butt in a trademark action.
What kind of parent hides a loaded pistol under a Christmas tree? They're probably related to the guy who let his son shoot an Uzi at a gun show competition.
Forget criminal background checks for buying weapons, how about a simple intelligence test? That would probably disqualify 80% of the gun nuts.
That's why we don't call them "pro-life"
Matt makes a useful point about how anyone who threatens to block health care reform over abortion is a lot of things, but "pro-life" ain't one of them:
That said, it really is worth lingering on the extent to which his threat to hold health reform hostage to an abortion dispute reflects the old saw about people who believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth......
Providing prenatal services to pregnant women is a pro-life gesture by any stretch of the imagination. As is providing health insurance to young children. As we saw the other day, uninsured children are over three times more likely to die from their trauma-related injuries than are commercially insured children, even after adjustment for other factors such as age, gender, race, injury severity and injury type.
But Nelson won't let those lives be saved unless the bill is modified in an insulting and discriminatory way.
Keep reading: http://pandagon.net/index.php/site/comments/thats_why_we_dont_call_them_pro_life/
According to Russ Feingold, when it comes to how real health care reform died a slow, painful death this year, it's all Obama's fault: http://xnerg.blogspot.com/2009/12/according-to-russ-feingold.html
Fat ass junkie that got out of Vietnam because of an anal cyst calls for "massive bombing raids', war with Iran.
Obama admin violates judge's order, refuses to give health benefits to lesbian partner of fed employee.
The Liar of the Year
The silver and bronze medals for lying went to Glenn Beck and Orly Taitz.
Most of the classic Christmas songs were written by Jews, says MICHAEL FEINSTEIN.
Take THAT, Xristian Xrazies!
Climate change for idiots.
Wednesday on Fox News, host Bill O'Reilly praised First Lady Michelle Obama, whom he had met at the White House holiday party the previous evening. "The President and First Lady were very gracious to me," he said, adding that he was "impressed" with Michelle Obama. "She's charismatic, articulate, and beautiful," O'Reilly said of the First Lady. Last night on Fox, when right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham teased O'Reilly for "gushing" over Michelle Obama, O'Reilly called her a "blind ideologue":
INGRAHAM: I'm gushing over your gushing last night about the Christmas party. I'm still trying to get over that.
O'REILLY: Wait, a minute. I'm going to call you — I'm calling you out on this. [...] I thought she was very nice at the party. [...] You are a blind ideologue who even if somebody's nice to you, won't admit it because you're talking about a Kool-aid drinker. [...] You have an IV attached to your arm on the Kool-aid.
Aww, Kansas Rep. Todd Tiahrt opened all of the presents Barack Obama gave the American people this year and cannot find "jobs" in any of them. (Since two of them have not even been signed into law yet, Tiahrt should not have expected "jobs" in those boxes.) But it's not like this Tiahrt guy has done much for the employment situation this year either! Like when that top campaign aide of his turned out to have been arrested and indicted for rape in 2008, what did Tiahrt do? Fired him. (Only when the media found out!) How is firing your staff's best rapist good for "jobs," Todd Tiahrt? YouTube
Bill Kristol Actually Proposes Stupid Made-Up Nonsensical Idea From Previous Wonkette Post: http://wonkette.com/412830/bill-kristol-actually-proposes-stupid-made-up-nonsensical-idea-from-previous-wonkette-post#more-412830
Why do Repuglicans hate our troops?
"This morning the Senate Republicans tried to filibuster the Defense Department appropriation bill -- that is to say, the funding for our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan -- so as to cock-up health care reform. The hypocrisy of this is just blood-curdling. These are the people who scream about patriotism."
I bet each one of those fuckers was wearing a flag lapel pin, too.
The Jingle Cats perform Silent Night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9LqRl7tqf4&feature=player_embedded
Glenn Beck misses "the good old days when Russia was a radar blip from nuking us, hot dogs only cost a smile, black people weren't sensitive about mistreatment, and everyone felt as great as they did the day after 9/11."
"The difference between a Glenn Beck conspiracy and the coronation scene in 'Carrie' is Carrie didn't overreact as hysterically": a tour de force.
Idiot compares teabag rally to historic massacre
If only.
"It's the charge of the light brigade!" Rep. Michele Bachmann yelled to an assembled crowd of tea party activists Tuesday, which responded with rapturous applause. Bachmann apparently didn't know she had compared them to a unit about to die in battle in one of the most spectacular blunders in military history. Not counting the Bush/Cheney Iraq war.
"Oh, what did I say this time?" the total embarrassment asked when informed of the comparison.