How mavericky! How roguish!
[Sarah] Palin "hinted she'd likely sit down with a string of friendly faces during the tour that begins in two weeks." Indeed, Palin is hoping to do interviews mainly with Fox News hosts and contributors:
"We're in the process of arranging interviews with local and national media. An interview with Oprah Winfrey is already scheduled, and I'm also hoping to have the opportunity to talk with Bill O'Reilly, Barbara Walters, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Miller, Tammy Bruce, and others, including local Alaska personalities Bob & Mark and Eddie Burke. (Variety is the spice of life!)"
What a maverick!
The new height of Mont Blanc, which lies on the three-way border between France, Italy and Switzerland, is now 4,810.45 metres (15,782.3 feet), just over half that of Nepal's Everest but still the tallest Alpine peak.
From A World of Progress:
Helluva job, Browneye!!!Sarah Palin and Dick Armey combined Tuesday to do what no one has done in 138 years. Their little teabagging bullshit put a Democrat in New York's 23rd Congressional seat.
Doug Hoffman, the corporate backed teabagger who doesn't even live in the 23rd district, went down in flames. Bill Owens, endorsed by the Republican candidate, Dede Scozzafava, who withdrew when the right wing whackos went after her with a vengeance, will fill the vacant seat that has gone Republican, until tonight, since 1872.
Way to go, Sarah. Pity you didn't go campaign for Bob "women have no business in the work place" McDonnell in Virginia or Chris "I am not a crook" Christie in New Jersey.

What is it about South Carolina, the US hotbed of unbridled lust?
A South Carolina man caught on video having sex with a horse was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison after pleading guilty for the second time in two years to abusing the creature.

This one is a beauty. Congressman Todd Akin, speaking before the Bachmaniacs at the Super Bowl of Retardation, delivers a glib lecture about the Pledge of Allegiance, its history, and its awesome inclusion of "Under God." He asks the crowd to join him in the Pledge, because it "drives the liberals crazy." And then he screws it up.
The stumbling and awkward muttering between 1:59 and 2:02 is a comical gift from Allah. But Allah is a generous deity and has many, many treasures — like this, the Akin office's official response:
Akin spokesman Steve Taylor said the congressman acknowledges having had "a little bit of a Justice Roberts type of moment," blaming it on "a little echo of the speakers."
"It is not a problem with knowledge or understanding," Taylor said. "Everyone at some point in their life will have some difficulty with execution or elocution."
Maybe, but usually not after bragging for two minutes, before a crowd of thousands, on Capitol Hill, about how well you know it and how much you love it, five years after you "proposed the Pledge Protection Act to keep federal courts from ruling on its constitutionality."
A weeping John Boehner addressed the teabaggers on Capitol Hill today, telling them that health care reform is the biggest threat to freedom he's seen as a congressman.
"This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I've seen in the 19 years I've been in Washington," easily beating out the PATRIOT act, warrentless wiretapping, "free speech zones", outing a covert CIA agent, and repeal of Habeus Corpus. Asshole.
Catholic Bishops are birther handjobs - Link
This past weekend the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops instructed pastors at parishes across the country to distribute material urging Catholics to oppose the health reform bills making their way through Congress for allowing public funding of abortions. Priests were to insert the Bishops Conference leaflets and letters into parish news bulletins, distribute them at church doors or place them in pews. They were also directed to read a statement at mass to reinforce the message.
The Conference of bishops reportedly sent the orders out last Thursday, the same day Pelosi presented the mammoth
2,000-page House reform bill to lawmakers and the public.
The material explains that the Catholic Church supports reform that will 'protect the life and dignity
of all people from the moment of conception until natural death.'"
"Can you hear me?"
"We hate f-ing health care!"
Teabaggers compare health reform to the Holocaust.
If Beck were true to his convictions, he'd have left the Marxist hospital and prayed at home for a cure. More from Alternet:
Earlier today, a hospitalized Glenn Beck tweeted in praise of the "AMAZING drs/nurses" who have cared for him since the emergency removal of his inflamed appendix yesterday afternoon.
The quality of care he is receiving should not have come as a surprise. When Beck complained of acute abdominal pain during his radio program on Wednesday, he was rushed to a nearby hospital. The security-conscious Beck has not disclosed the name of the facility, but it's a safe bet that it is staffed by proud members of a storied union: New York's Local 1199, aka United Healthcare Workers East, which belongs to the Service Employees International Union. The SEIU has organized all of Manhattan's major hospitals, including every facility to which Beck could have conceivably been sent....
Just hours before his hospitalization, Beck was at work increasing the pitch of his attacks on SEIU and its leaders. On Monday, he warned his Fox News audience that SEIU president Andy Stern is "controlling our country." On Wednesday, he claimed Stern was spouting "communist, Marxist propaganda" by addressing the need for labor to organize globally in a globalized world.