Is are children lerning? The wonderfully misspelled signs seen at the First Birthers' teabagging parties:
LOL. More slogans at the infromative link above. Damned Liberials! **giggle**
No pubic option!
Two months after the Pakistani Army wrested control of the Swat Valley from Taliban militants, a new campaign of fear has taken hold, with scores, perhaps hundreds, of bodies dumped on the streets in what human rights advocates and local residents say is the work of the military.What, then, will be the distinction between the Pakistani government and the Taliban? People will not be inspired to support the Pakistani government if the only difference between the Taliban and the Pakistani government is that the government's killers wear green uniforms. Fear doesn't generate allies. Fear doesn't encourage people to cooperate.
Using fear to control a population is, ultimately, a self-destructive tactic.
[Wilson] is an officer and a gentleman and everyone who knows him knows that. … Being a son of the South puts you in a different position when it comes to the Confederate flag. It means something entirely different to the people who have ancestors who fought in the Civil War on the south side of the Mason-Dixon line.

Rule of law! Rule of law!
House Hypocrite leader John Boehner said this afternoon he'll vote 'no' on a resolution to discipline fellow repuke Joe Wilson for yelling "You lie!" at President Obama last week.Gee, I never saw THAT coming. ** snort **
"Instead of pursuing this type of petty partisanship, we should be working together to lower costs and expand access to affordable, high-quality health coverage on behalf of the American people," Boehner said with a straight - yet perfectly tanned - face.
Texas Republigoat Kay Bailey Hutchinson has an opinion piece in today's The Washington Post lamenting the Obama administration's reliance on "czars." While I agree with her in principle, I also think she's full of shit.
If you want to pin the blame on someone for proliferating the "czar" system, you gotta blame Gorge Dubya Boosh. Gulf Coast Reconstruction Czar Donald E. Powell. Drug Czar John P. Walters. Public Diplomacy Czar Karen Hughes. War Czar Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute. AIDS Czars Randall Tobias and Mark Dybul. Mine Safety Czar Dick Stickler. Intelligence Czar John Negroponte. Latin American Czar Otto Reich. A "Copyright Czar." A "Spy Car." A "Health Czar." A "Privacy Czar." A "Corruption Czar."
And when their man Boosh was in office, "conservatives" were urging that there be more "czar" positions created. The Heritage Foundation wanted a "NAFTA Czar." Fox "News'" own Ted Baxter called for an "immigration czar," a "charity czar" and a "disaster relief victims family czar."
As I said, I agree with the Senator in principle. But the partisan bullshit just bleeds from the page in this op-ed. Reading any Repbligoat these days bemoan the dearth of accountability in Washington is downright laughable. But it's crystal clear that she's not as concerned with "a President" appointing czars as she is with "a Democratic President" doing so.
We here at the Serious Poo-Poo Institute of Technology (S.P.I.T) believe it to be a disturbing trend no matter who the hell is in office.
It's time for Democrats to stop playing nice and go ahead on their own, without Republican support. This has been true for some time, but there is now no longer any excuse.
From The Hill:
Key senators said Sunday the "public option" favored by House Democrats for healthcare is all but dead, but a pivotal Republican said it's not dead enough.President Barack Obama "should take it off the table," said Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) on CBS's "Face the Nation." "It would give real momentum to building consensus."
That's what passes for a Republican moderate, these days. As is this:

A few photos tell the story:
One supposes that if you asked the sign carrier what he/she (can you tell?) meant by the Confederate flag, he/she (no, really, can you?) would say it means "state's rights," and that the "people" in the sign are "real Americans." Sometimes, the code is pretty damn easy to break. Good thing there weren't any black people there to see it.
The NRA gun festishists gathered there probably would also say that the threat of a tarring and feathering, a horribly violent act, is more metaphorical than actual. Just like the tea party doesn't actually involve the drinking of tea. (Tip o' the hat to rude reader Mark in Fairfax for the photo.)
And that rowdy, fat, old man protesting government-run health care is riding around on a scooter that was more than likely 80% paid for by Medicare. Probably that cane he's holding, too. The lesson? Irony is to the anti-health care protesters as calculus is to a gerbil.
The entire 9/12 march and rally was like the Special Olympics of protests. You wanted to say, "Good for you," and give them all certificates of participation. Actually, that's unfair. Considering the level of intellect and empathy at work in DC this weekend, a roomful of Downs Syndrome kids would have more compassion and genuine feeling than all of the 50,000 or so right-wing zealots, racists, idiots, and liars scootering and shuffling around the Capitol combined.
If, say, the entire gathering had been nerve gassed, the I.Q. of the United States would have gone up by ten points. Is that wrong to say? You know, though, considering how many people there were holding Obama-as-Hitler signs and saying, as one guy did on CNN, that the Obama administration is engaged in "Gestapo" tactics, perhaps it's good to offer a remark about what real Nazi thinking is.
Gassing a part of the population in order to purify the nation? That's Nazi. A government-operated health insurance program as part of a pool of options for those who can't afford private insurance? That's not so Nazi.
HILARITY: Would-be teabaggers and and other easily duped dingbats are proudly emailing each other wonderful pictures of a million teabaggers crowding the National Mall, but these pictures are actually from the Million Man March of 1997, an event attended by, ahem, colored people. MORE »