It is raining in Wisconsin. The normally lush summer has been unusually dry and cool...but it is raining. The gardens and the fields are rejoicing as well as something deep with in me. I will have tomatoes after all! This dry spell gave new meaning to the words "my soul thirsts". Just at the point when new growth becomes mature food...we need water or we are in danger of shriveling up on the vine. No harvest then...nothing of substance to share with those around us. Living Water...fill us...feed us...I "thirst" for you!
On a different note...A really fun thing is happening in my small city! The Wizard of Oz is celebrating it's 70th anniversary here! Evidently it is one of the places where the movie premiered. Also the man who wrote all the music for the film lived right here! I need to tell you that I NEVER missed a showing of this movie as a child. It is by far my favorite all time movie. So in honor of that I have painted...One Cowardly Lion...."28x22...oil on panel..."If I, If I Were King!" I had such fun painting him. I think I could have done it with my eyes closed! Next...one heartless Tin Man???