However, we're just starting to pick fairly mature fruit, so in keeping with my present fascination with the FA 77mm Limited, I used this lens to take a few photos of the first fruit from my Japanese Black Trifele plant. This is my first year planting this variety and as I'm told the Blkack Trifele is a big juicy 6 -10 ounce pear-shaped, deep purple-black tomato with pretty green shoulders. In Russia the Trifele varieties of tomatoes--of which there are several colors--are highly prized and command high prices.
Since my grandson was helping me in the backyard, I took a quick head and shoulders casual portrait of him so you could see how the K-7 and 77 handle skin tones - both tomato and human (smile).
All images shot RAW at ISO 400. Processed in CS4 to produce jpegs for posting here on Blogger. Click on any thumbnail to see a larger file.