Sunday, May 10, 2009

Worst morning sickness ever - Oh yeah and Happy Mother's Day!

So first the unplesantness, this may be my last baby because I am so freakin' sick! I can't do anything it seems. I've never been this "morning sick" *sigh* But I'm really excited for this baby! I announced today in church that I'm pregnant, it was perfect it being MOther's day and all. Everyone so so happy for me.

I had some spotting so I went to a midwife to check it out and got to see the baby on an ultrasound (which I normally wouldn't do). The babe is fine and of so cute! Tucked far back in my womb. Seth was bummed to hear it wasn't twins. LOL But thrilled that the baby is healthy and looking great!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and all of you who come from moms! As many of you know I have an adopted mother, Kim, and I love her so much! She has loved and accepted me, been there for me, and cherished my family. I don't know who or where I would be without her.
She always has time for everyone. She loves her childrenw with the passion of a mama bear. She is raising her youngest child (who is still at home) in the ways of the Goddess and my heart rejoices that he will learn of our Heavenly Mother from a young age and have all the advantages that holds for his life and direction. She is a magical, lovely woman and I am so happy to be her daughter! She is heaven sent.

And speaking of heaven it's on Mother's Day that I am reminded of some very important heavely Mother's. Heavenly Mother, the spiritual mother of us all, wife to our Heavenly Father. She has been called by many names, Innana, Isis, Freya, Spider Woman, Mother Earth, the Great Silence. Without her love, compassion and direction I would literally not exisit.

Then of course there is Mary Magdalen, wife, mother, female messiah. Our beloved Savior's beloved wife. Mother of Sarah the daughter of Christ. (And for those who think that last bit doesn't line up with Mormon thought, I direct you to read "Jesus was Married" by Ogden Kraut. Our prophets told us He was married and to Mary Magdalen, he also fathered children and lived the principle)

Mary, Mother of God. I don't even know where to begin. No words can describe this holy woman, chosen by our Heavely Parents to birth and raise Christ. The ultimate earthly mother. Her face is pictured in all Waldrof schools for the spiritual direction of our children. Her face adorns the walls of The Bear House, rooting my children in the Divine Feminine - a Mother's holy love.
