There is still room at the workshop. July 25-August 7 2009. Held at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, USA.
Contact Janet Nunziata to register -- janet.nunziata@uvm.edu
Bojana Skrt, ZIP Slovenia, Director
As director of the national debate program of Slovenia, Bojana has become one of the most respected debate trainers in the world. She has directed countless teacher and student workshops, and her team has been EFL World Champions at the World Schools Debating Championship three times.
Debbie Newman, UK
Debbie has been debating champion of England and Wales and president of the legendary Cambridge University Union in the UK. She has taught at WDI a number of times. She coached England to the World Schools Debating Championship in Washington in 2008 and to second place at WSDC Athens in 2009.
Rhydian Morgan, UK
Rhydian is a professional communications trainer who has an endless love for debating. He has won numerous tournaments and has also been chief adjudicator at countless tournaments in Europe. He is a returning WDI faculty member, has taught at the Department of State Study of US Institutions program for students from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in 2008 and is a regular faculty member at the International Debate Academy Slovenia.
Alfred Snider, USA
Has been WDI director, since 1984 director of the Lawrence Debate Union since 1982 and is the Edwin Lawrence Professor of Forensics at the University of Vermont. Has trained debaters in over 28 countries, published over 50 books about debating and for debaters and has won every major award given to debate coaches in the USA. As a student debating for Brown University he finished third at the USA National Debate Tournament and second at the Tournament of Champions.