Here's a picture of just me in line at the local craft show. Seth snapped this standing behind me, he said "Hey" and when I turned around he caught me off guard but I think it couldn't have come out better if I posed.
Snow falling on tan oaks, madrones and redwoods.... 12/28/08
We are dusted and sometimes blanketed, with sugar plum fairy snow...
Reflection On the Best Solstice Gift Idea 12/29/08
My mind was a flutter as to how to get Nykki a wooden castle that I could afford for Solstice. He really wanted one but the only one sold in town in my price range was a Melissa and Doug creation - and I don't do particle board and Chinese labor trying to be natural, so....I was in quite a pickle until I was at the local Merchantile shop to buy cat litter. That's when I saw stackable castle-designed hamster houses made of solid, well built wood! Add to that a few dwarves bought for $9, plus a 10% Waldorf homeschooling discount at the local toy store and viola, a happy Solstice morning for a special pair of brothers!
Update on My Needles 12/30/08
I've been knitting so much my hands hurt and my arms are sore but I really cannot stop (you know how that is) so here are two of my favorite projects, one I just finished and one I'm working on
Baby Bonnet for Ronan
Striped, pouch knitted (created by knitting one stitch and sliding on stitch over, I love this stitch!) kitty cat for Ronan's second birthday coming up next week! I can't wait to show you when I'm done! :)
Our New Years Eve 12/31/08
We got pizza for dinner and watched the remake of Dr. Zhavigo starring the, ah-hem, talented Hans Matheson. Yes, talented, that's right, that's what I said, that's why I watched him, I mean it, I mean the movie. OK, yes, he's talented sure and he's also HOT as a wood stove! LOL :)
*swooning ever so slightly, feeling weak in the knees*
Oh yes, back to our evening, so we drooled over, I mean watched, the movie, ate black eyed peas, drank apple cider and then switched on NPR only to hear them broadcasting from Disneyland. *gag* So we went to bed and Seth and I rang in the new year in our traditional way, tee hee