Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hansard Society on why people may support AV

As old enemies unite against a common foe and the latest opinion poll informs us that No2AV is enjoying a lead of 16 per cent over the Yes2AV campaign, perhaps we should pause to consider that the 'undecideds' constitute in excess of 20 per cent.

There is still plenty of scope for this important constitutional referendum to be treated as little more than a by-election protest against the coalition, or a popularity test of David Cameron and Nick Clegg personally. The future course of our democracy might be shaped by momentary grievance and ephemeral discontent.

In its 8th Audit of Political Engagement, the Hansard Society notes;
"Despite very mixed views about the advantages and disadvantages of the Alternative Vote (AV) system, most who took part in our research discussion groups said that, if they vote, they will likely support a change in the system. This was not because of particular dissatisfaction with First Past The Post. Rather, their dissatisfaction with the current system of politics, with MPs, Parliament and government was such that almost any change was preferable to the status quo."
A damning indictment.