Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Walk with DA15

Our Sunday walk along the beach in San Clemente was the first time for me to try out a production version of the DA15. I previously posted photos of Harry the Pelican using a pre-production sample of this lens and I'll need to burn through a lot more film (files) of various scenes and subject matter to see if I can discern any differences.

Photos were all shot in RAW with a K20D and processed in CS3 to produce jpegs for posting here on blogger. No adjustments were made to the images, except for the snapshot of my wife. I had to crop this photo, as I shot this quickly by turning and firing and ended up with a falling horizon in the background.

I was really pleased to see that dpreview already posted their review of this lens in the past few days. Being a new lens, I didn't expect to see their review up this quickly. I'm puzzled by one of Andy Westlake's comments about construction and his choice of a zoom lens to compare against a prime, but overall, I thought this review was even handed and well done.

(Note: Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image file)